Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Day 77 - Day 79


Monday I had no real reason as to why I didn't write a blog post. I just completely forgot about it and I was too tired at that point to write one. Monday was pretty pointless anyways. I got an A on my Accounting Quiz, but we all realized that the grading system here is completely crazy. One girl has a 49 in the class and that is a C. A 79 is a B+. It's really crazy because we only need a C in the class to get credit, so we all could literally get 49s and be okay. We didn't have any homework on Monday, so we decided to go down to Richmond and hunt for some macaroons, since my roommate really wanted to try them since we aren't going to Paris. We found some at a French bakery in Richmond, and they weren't real good, to be honest. They had a weird consistency. I also exchanged the rest of my Euros back to pounds, since I won't be needing anymore. I also canceled my hostel and my flight, and luckily got all my money back from the hostel and some money back from the airline. We then all relaxed in our rooms, I finally caught up on Arrow, and nothing else new.


Yesterday I had a very good excuse as to why I didn't post. We lost wifi at around 2:00 yesterday afternoon and only got it back early afternoon today. Yesterday in class we watched some random movie with Katie Holmes and the Riddler and since we had no homework or Accounting class, the five of us decided to go to Hamley's Toy Store (I got Ash a gift) and then the rest of the group wanted to go to Victoria's Secret which was right around the corner on Bond Street. Regent Street where Hamley's is located was decorated all in lights for Christmas and all the side streets had lights across the top. It was really pretty and we stayed there pretty late. Luckily we did, because when we got back to Richmond, there was no wifi. Apparently the storm (which was just a lot of heavy wind) knocked out all of Richmond's wifi, and McDonalds didn't even have it. We tried walking to Tesco after supper and I called Dad because I was paranoid about registering for my Disney classes today without wifi. We were able to get some wifi at Tesco, but barely, and then they closed so we had to walk back. At that point we were all pretty bored so we did each other's hair and played Candy Crush and played music until we fell asleep.


Today I was supposed to register for my Disney classes. Disney gave no time as to when the classes would open, but instead just gave today's date. So, I woke up at 4:30, got ready for 5:00 here when it turned midnight in the East Coast, and checked my phone (all without wifi still). I then set my alarm for every half hour or so to check. Needless to say I'm slightly tired, and it didn't help me at all. Class was good today though because she just gave us a stakeholder to be for a case and we could then leave and go research for the rest of class in our rooms. Tomorrow we are having a debate which I'm excited about. Accounting was pointless as usual. After lunch we continued to work on our debates, while at the same time continuously refreshing for Disney. We got wifi back around 2/3 ish, so it was a full 24 hours without wifi. Luckily, I had a back up in case wifi didn't go back up. Stephen and Tien both offered to help me log in and register so I wouldn't miss the classes. All I got today was an email from Disney at 5:30 saying that registration was delayed since the server crashed. It crashed even before registration opened. I just hope it actually does open today because I don't want to stay up for another day.

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