My weekend in Scotland was really fun. It started off yesterday at 9 at night. I went with another kid in our group, and we walked down to the Tube together. We got off at Victoria Station and went to find the coach station. On the ticket it said to arrive there an hour early and go to the desk to get an actual ticket and to check our passports. However, when we got there, they just said that were were all set and to just give the paper to the driver. Unfortunately, that meant that we got to the station early. I thought it was especially weird that they didn't need our passports to go to Scotland, but I guess that's because they are all in the UK. Anyways, we got on the crowded double decker bus at 10:45. I ended up sitting next to this girl who decided at 2 in the morning that she really needed to open a bag of chocolates very, very loudly. Besides that, though, I was able to fall asleep with no problems except a sore neck and back. We got to Glasgow at about 8, and from there walked the 2 miles to the convention center. It was pretty much a straight forward path and we got to pass through the city center, also known as George Square. For a Saturday morning it was quiet but it was really cool to pass shops that were selling kilts in the windows which really made me feel that I was in Scotland. When we got to the convention, it was already packed. We had thought that we would just get there, scope out the place, then wander around. However, we did not know that almost 2 and half hours early there would be a couple thousand people there. The people that were in line were also the priority line, so there was a separate line to wait in for general admission like us. The wait was really cold, but I ate the breakfast I had stored in my container from the morning before and watched as the Deadpool cosplayers and people dressed as a "Shadow in training" fooled around and performed for people waiting in line, which is one of the reasons I love Comic cons. It is also a great time to people watch. There was definitely a huge amount of Lord of the Rings, Alice in Wonderland, Doctor Who, and Harry Potter cosplayers, a lot more than seen in Hartford, which makes sense because they're all British. There was a small amount of Disney and Supernatural costumes, so I was happy to see especially that Supernatural was still loved so far away. Comic cons always make me feel good because I'm surrounded by people who love characters in books or movies or tv shows just as much as I do and it's just an amazing feeling, seeing characters come to life. The whole ordeal was very well organized, and we got into the building at 11:15, only fifteen minutes after it opened, which was impressive as about 15,000 people were already outside apparently. The Comic con was held in what seemed to be a warehouse connected to the convention center, but there were no events in the actual convention center. When we got in, it was very packed and claustrophobic. This also was when the guy with me said that he would see me at 6 when it ended and then disappeared into the crowd. With that being said, I then walked around all the shops by myself. There were so many different shops, food booths, and different things to do. Universal had set up a little theater showing movie trailers which were fun to watch, and there were card games and video games set up to watch. There was a robot fighting show that I watched which was pretty cool. One thing that I noticed was that there were actually a lot of kids at this one. There were a lot of families all dressed up together, which is not usual for the Hartford one. I then went to 'main stage' (a stage literally thrown together in the middle of the warehouse) to watch a star from Arrow. After that Q&A, I stayed and watched the 2 hour cosplay masquerade on the stage, where people from babies to adults got on stage to show off their costumes. Some people danced or sang or did something in the style of the characters, and they were judged for best costume at the end of it. I always like seeing all the different handmade costumes and the kids dressed up were so cute. After that, Comicon was officially over. I'm also really proud of myself because I only bought a Disney headband, a couple button pins, and postcards. And a Deadpool cupcake, because I couldn't resist because my apples for lunch lacked flavor and sugar for me. The guy who went with me said he spent his entire budget and had to go to the ATM to get more money.... Anyways, after it was over he wanted to go to Five Guys, so I followed. Glasgow mostly consisted of American restaurants, which was definitely unique. At least the path we were on had no little cafes or anything but instead had Starbucks, Subway, Five Guys, McDonalds, KFC, etc. We stayed at Five Guys for a while because our bus wasn't until 9:45. After we wasted time there, we walked back to George Square and around there to take pictures. We then found our way back to the bus stop and got on the bus. This time I sat next to a man who decided he really needed to charge his phone using the plug that was on my side, so the cord was very annoying as it was crossing me and he kept apologizing while I was trying to sleep. Also, this time the bus would turn on the lights and announce each stop they made, which did not happen when the bus stopped on the way there. So, ultimately, I did not get much sleep. We made it back to Victoria Station at 6:30, and I was exhausted. We took the hour Tube ride back to Richmond, then walked the mile back to campus. I took a very needed hot shower for a very long time. At about 8:45 I then fell into bed, and woke up at 12. I met with Emelia to eat brunch then met up with my roommate and Emelia's roommate to walk to a nearby market. The market was small, but we ended up talking to one person who was selling postcards with her own pictures on them. Although we didn't buy any, she suggested different places to see and visit and so it was fun to talk to her. It was a beautiful day out and we walked along the river after the market to enjoy the sun. When we got back we started on our Marketing project due Wednesday. We then went down for supper for Taco Sunday (!) and sat with our Marketing teacher. After supper the five of us chilled in Emelia's room, making a Power Point and singing High School Musical. I also Skyped with the family and it will most likely be an early night tonight so I can sleep.

George Square
Comic Con
Whole table dedicated to Disney things, the prices were only HIGHLY inflated
Deadpool Cupcake
Guy from Arrow (plays Maseo)
Warrior Tinker bell
Smaug from The Hobbit
Traffic Cone on the horse's head
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