Today was pretty much a replicate of yesterday. I woke up at 8, ate breakfast, then went to class. Class today was still fun as we still get to watch Shark Tank. About five kids in our group our sick, though, so the rest of us are kind of just waiting until we get sick too. The class goes by pretty fast, and I don't have my Accounting class on Tuesdays so it went by quickly. After class we all got lunch, then decided to take a walk around Richmond again. I got another adapter for the outlet, but it still isn't working. I had maintenance come in and look out my outlets, and my laptop can charge via the new adapter, but my iPad or iPhone won't. I can charge my iPhone through my laptop, but my iPad will only charge on my roommates cord. I have no idea why. I also got pencils because apparently I didn't bring any and they are very much needed for my accounting class. Anyways, we just walked around Richmond again because every time we walk around we find something new that we didn't discover before.
After we came back from our walk, we started our Marketing homework. We had to do an online module which was all different equations that was somewhat complicated. Luckily, five of us sat in the common room and did it together so it wasn't as painful. After we did our homework we went to eat supper. Supper was actually pretty decent today with mac and cheese and pulled pork sandwiches so all of us filled our plates so much it looked like we had been starved, which we were in all fairness. After dinner we finished up some other classes' work and Emelia and I booked our trip to Cork, Ireland, to see the Blarney Castle and to kiss the Blarney stone. That's the last major trip we're going on, and we're going the second week of November. After that we just stayed in the common room until karaoke started at 8. None of us really wanted to watch, but they were giving out free food so we stole some to take back to our rooms. Those snacks are how I survive when I spend the whole day out. Tomorrow the four of us are walking to Twickenham, the neighboring town, just so we don't have to see Richmond again.
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