After going to bed at about 2 last night, I slept in until about 11. Emelia and I went down for brunch, and ended up sitting with our marketing teacher because we felt bad that she was sitting alone. We ended up talking a lot, and got some information about our final, so it was fun. After brunch we met up with another girl to do our marketing project on Tesco. It didn't take us that long, and afterwards Emelia and I went to Richmond Park. The size of the park is still unreal to me. Every time I go I always find myself on a different path. Today we stumbled upon a huge lake that was in the middle of it. We never knew it was even there! We sat on the grass in front of the lake and just read for several hours. It actually really fun and relaxing. We started walking back to campus at 4, and I decided to do laundry. Laundry is actually the worst here, and someone today stopped my wash halfway through the cycle so I had to start all over again. People have no courtesy at all as there were clothes literally all around the room scattered. For dinner we ended up sitting with our marketing teacher again, and this time talked about TV shows and movies and such. We ended up staying at dinner for about an hour talking with our teacher. After supper I then went to watch the new Doctor Who episode that premiered yesterday. Nothing else too exciting today. I'm feeling better; the only remnants of my cold is a sore throat and a loss of voice. My roommate comes back tonight from Barcelona, so I no longer have that nice weekend of being by myself. ~~

Traitor's Gate
Guarding the Crown Jewels
The staircase where the two princes were found
I don't even know what this was
The king's room; it looks like it came from Merlin
White Tower, where the King and Queens lived
Where Anne Boleyn died
View of Tower Bridge from Tower of London
The most adorable rubber ducks (No, I did not buy one)
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