After class, some WNE kids asked me to go with them to Shakespeare's Globe Theater. The six of us then walked down to the Tube, since we had no homework, and went to the Globe Theater. Mind you, I was invited and did not make the plans, so I planned to just follow them and let them lead. Apparently, they did not plan the trip out at all, because as soon as they got off the Tube, they didn't know which way to go. Fortunately for them I had my map as usual, and then I somehow became the leader to find the way to Shakespeare's Globe Theater, which was farther away because they didn't listen to me as to what stop to get off. It was pretty annoying because first they didn't trust me to get off at the Tube stop, then they didn't trust me with direction. I would say that we would have to go down one street, and they would tell me that I was wrong and start going another direction. Eventually they realized I am actually good with directions even though I'm a girl, and started following me. When we got there, they just took a picture and wanted to leave. I had thought that they wanted to travel the hour ride to actually take the tour and look inside. However, they didn't want to because it wasn't the original theater and one person said that Shakespeare didn't even write all his plays, so why would he want to tour it? I paid the 8 pounds to take the tour. I was the only person in there since it was a random time (3:30 on a Wednesday). I wandered around the small museum they had on the Theater and on Shakespeare, then waited for the tour. I ended up getting a private tour with about three tour guides because they were all bored, and it ended up being really fun. They took me around the museum again, pointing out things I missed or weren't on the displays, and then took me into the Theater. They talked more about Shakespeare, his plays, and the Theater and it was really fun because they kept quoting Shakespeare on the stage. They then asked me if I wanted to look at the Rose Theater, which was the first theater on that side of the River Thames. I hadn't even heard of it, but agreed and they told me the whole story behind it. Basically, the opposite side of the river (which was considered London at that time), didn't like theaters because they thought it attracted a bad crowd of people. Because a theater couldn't be built within that town's barriers, people then built the Rose Theater across the London Bridge. The Globe Theater was built after the Rose Theater because the Rose Theater was gaining popularity and it was a small space. Shakespeare put on two of his plays at the Rose Theater, as well as Christopher Marlowe. The Rose Theater was discovered accidentally by an excavation done by the city of London, and only 2/3 was uncovered due to the costs. 7 Million dollars is needed just to uncover the other third. I got to see the structure of the Rose Theater which was underneath an apartment complex that was allowed to be built on top of the Rose Theater ruins because the plans were approved before the ruins were known about. When the ruins were found, famous people like Ralph Fiennes and Ian McKellan supported the foundation to preserve the remains and to just have an underground like way for people to visit them, which is what I got to see. The tour guides also took me to where the original Globe Theater was, and told me that the new Globe Theater couldn't be built right where the original was because there was a nearby house that was considered to be a historical site because it was the first house to use a certain form of concrete. We all agreed that we should sacrifice the historic concrete house to excavate the remains of the original Globe Theater, but apparently the city does not. After that, we all had a discussion of whether Shakespeare actually did in fact write his plays, and we talked about our favorite plays, quotes, characters, etc. The tour guides were definitely bored college kids, but it worked in my favor as I saw things that weren't even on the tour, like the Rose Theater, and the discussion was really fun. I then got back on the Tube to make it back in time for supper, but slipped in some time to FaceTime Mamma and Papa :D
I ended up being the last person to supper and sat with my Marketing teacher again by myself, which was only slightly awkward. After supper I then went to get a head start on some other homework and the four of us just chilled in our room, playing music and talking. It was a packed day today, but I learned a lot and had a lot of fun!
The outside of the Globe Theater
The sketchy undergound remains of the Rose Theater (the lights outline the outside of the theater, the middle lights is where the stage was)
The plaque that states the original location of the Globe Theater, this is what the man who wanted to rebuild the Globe Theater saw
Plaque stating where the Globe Theater was, behind it is the ugly historic concrete business
The darker red stones are pieces of the Globe Theater
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