There is so much to write about today. I woke up at around 9, read for a while, and waited to meet Emelia at 11:30 for the only meal that is offered to us on Saturdays. I've decided to try to wait for brunch instead of leaving early because the food is pretty good and no one will wake up earlier than that to go with me. After brunch, I took the Tube to the Tower of London. London is pretty great in offering student discounts, so my Richmond ID helped me save a lot of money today on tickets. I got to the Tower of London at 1, and I waited for the next tour at 1:30. Now, I remember liking the tour when I went in sixth grade, but I don't remember seeing everything that was there. I thought that the tour was it, but I spent a lot longer than expected at the Tower of London. I was there for about 3-4 hours, and I feel bad because I know we must have rushed back in sixth grade because I wouldn't have found it interesting. I saw the crown jewels and even went back on the little moving platform thing just to see them again because they are absolutely beautiful. Also, I didn't realize that you could walk along the whole top of the wall. It was so peaceful and interesting and beautiful. My calves were sore at the end of today because of the amount of spiral staircases I went up. I almost tripped once, freaking out a foreign couple. :D There was even a wedding going on at the Tower's chapel, which I thought was a weird place to hold a wedding. I watched a show at the Tower, explored the museum, and learned everything I could. I think my problem is that I think that each place I go to will be the last time I visit, so I try to see and do everything. Anyways, when I left, I knew that I wouldn't be able to make it back for supper if I went to Shakespeare's Globe Theater, so I decided to do the Tower Bridge instead. The Tower Bridge was actually not crowded, so I was able to take some amazing pictures. I watched the videos about the Bridge and learned more than I remember. The coolest feature they added to the Bridge was a glass floor. You can now walk across the top of the Tower Bridge and look down on the Thames River and the people below. Dad would have freaked out, but it was a cool feature. However, some ladies were just sitting right on the area where it was the glass flooring so that was kind of annoying because it was hard to take a good picture with them right in the middle of the floor, having a picnic. I also was at the perfect time because the Bridge actually opened while I was on the top of it, and it was the most amazing view of it opening. After that, I went back on the Tube, after stopping quickly for a look at the Navy Memorial nearby. The Tube was insane. Today was a rugby match between France and Italy, and the train I was in had about 30 people all wearing French colors and wearing chickens on their heads. Their faces were painted, they had wigs on, and they were singing French songs. It was pretty neat, and they started a conversation with us about rugby and everyone was really friendly.
After getting back, we met up with the rest of the group (and when I say rest of the group I mean seven of us) to go to dinner. We went to Nando's at my suggestion, because it was this cult food place on Tumblr and everyone says it is amazing. It's a chicken place, and they served grilled chicken to order, like with different sauces and spices. It was really good, but the set up was weird. When you go in, a server sits you down, but you then have to go up and order. After ordering, you sit back down and the server brings you the food. I liked it better though because it made it seem like we were at a sit down place and all of us could pay for our own. Afterwards we walked back up to Richmond, and the other people who went with me to supper actually surprised me with a cake, celebrating my acceptance into Disney. They then played Disney music through speakers and we all shared the cake and talked and played cards. It was one of the sweetest things ever. A guy in the group even killed a huge spider in my room. It was such a fun day, and the people in my group are amazing. Tomorrow is a homework day, but I'll try to add more photos from today later, because I was only able to get half uploaded.

The glass floor
Another view of glass floor
View from Tower Bridge
Tower Bridge
Navy Memorial
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