Well I'm finally back in London. Yesterday was so much fun on our last day in Poland. We got to sleep in until about 9, then we all got ready and ate breakfast. After breakfast we had to pack up all our stuff because we had to check out early in the morning, which didn't make sense because our walking tour was at 12. We left our backpacks in a locked closet behind the concierge desk, then waited for our tour guide. Apparently our tour guide had showed up earlier in the morning at the wrong time, so we got a replacement tour guide that rushed through the three hour tour because she had somewhere else to be. The tour pretty much covered everything we had already explored, but it was good to listen and learn more about the town and how it came to be. I didn't know that Krakow used to be the capital of Poland, nor that it was saved from being burned or destroyed during WWII because the Nazis wanted to use the castle as a meeting place. We got to actually go inside the Wawel castle walls because it was open during the day and went into the Wawel Cathedral. We saw where St. Stanislaus was buried along with another Saint which I forgot her name. We also saw the oldest university in Krakow where Pope John Paul II went to school as well as Copernicus. The tour was pretty interesting, and we ended at about 2:30. Four of us then decided to go find something to eat for lunch, and the rest of the group had pizza while I tried something called a kebab. It had pork, chicken, cabbage, cucumber, tomato, and a spicy sauce all wrapped in bread and grilled and it was delicious. We then wandered around through more shops where I got some Christmas presents. I also bought another pretzel thing for the plane ride and we people watched. We had to be at the hotel at 6:30, and we then left for the airport. We were pushing it for time, but luckily I guess our flight was delayed an hour. After going through security (which was painful because people do not know that they cannot wear belts or bring water), we sat down. At this point, we needed supper but there were no restaurants or anything except this little snack bar so I got a muffin and water and called it a day. I read Game of Thrones while waiting, and it is an amazing book, and finally got on board. I sat next to a very cute but loud baby on the way back, so I didn't get any sleep. When we arrived in London, it was about 12, and we still had to get through customs. Customs took about 40 minutes, so by that time the Tube had stopped running. The three of us who needed to get back to Richmond said that we would share a taxi or Uber or something if we couldn't figure out what bus to take, and we all agreed. We got through customs together, and the rich girl with us said that she would call a taxi or Uber while me and the other girl from WNE went to the bathroom. When we came out of the bathroom, the rich girl was gone, and she texted us saying that she had left by herself in an Uber. Unfortunately, that left me and the other girl to find our way back by ourselves, after our plans were gone. We then ran to the buses, and literally waved down a Richmond bus that was leaving. The bus driver was super nice and pulled over and he told us that he could drop us off at Richmond station, a mile away from the University. We were pretty much the only people on the bus and it took only about 40 minutes because he didn't need to stop at any of the stops. We then walked the mile back to campus, all while being mad at this girl who ditched us. *Sidenote: This girl spent 30 pounds on an Uber by herself, and I would also like to take this time to tell you some things she asked me on this trip. She asked us after Auschwitz why the Jewish people couldn't just leave the concentration camp, why they even wanted to go in the first place, and then swore she stepped on a bone there. I literally didn't even know what to respond to all that. In short, she's terrible rude and annoying and she's going on every school trip because she's rich and spends money like there's no tomorrow.* Anyways, I got home at like 1:30, and my roommate was actually still up because this girl was FaceTiming outside our door and she was super loud. Today was my first day with our new teacher, and she is not as nice or easy going as the last teacher. I had emailed her on Thursday saying that two of us would be going to Disneyland Paris at 3 on Thursday, because our field trip was at 10 and I wasn't sure if that would interfere. Other kids are missing the whole day to go to St. Ives, so she was mad about that. Apparently I'm missing next Thursday for Brussels, but I'm on her good side because I thought to email her. So, on Thursday I'm just bringing my backpack with me to the museum then leaving to the train station from there. The other kids are being treated almost rudely because they are missing a day, and she wasn't as accommodating when she heard that people had booked trips. None of us had purposely chose to skip a day of class, so she wasn't very nice. The class seemed to be all over the place and I don't even know what the class is about. We talked a lot about economics and globalization and outsourcing, but I don't know where it's going. Accounting was just as terrible and disorganized as usual, and I don't think we've ever had an entire class together. People never show up to class. After class we went to do our long readings for our class and Accounting homework. We then all braided each other's hair for some reason, and the five of us went to dinner. We went down to take money out and exchange it into Euros just in case I need it for a bus or something at Disneyland Paris. I then came back and printed out all my information for the trip and am trying to figure out a way to get from the train station to the hotel since there is no bus. There's a walking path but I'm not sure we can actually use it, so it will be an adventure. I can't even tell you how excited I am to go, though. Ratatouille ride here I come! Tonight I have to meet with our professor because she wants all of us to stop by and talk with her, and I need to talk to her more about the homework due Friday morning, since we will be gone Thursday night. I also got my card today from Auntie so yay! That brightened by day. No Oreos though :/ Enjoy the pictures I finally downloaded--

My hotel
I wish I liked gingerbread so I could eat one of these
Our carriage ride (Amy-girl from WNE is across from me, rich girl is to my left)
Window dedicated to Pope John Paul II, where he spoke when he visited Krakow
Pierogies <3333333
Work Makes You Freeom
SS Tower
Snapchat filters are so cute
Market Square
Inside St. Mary's Basilica
Polish clothes
Lamb stew
Wawel Castle
Firey dragon statue
Street Art
Jewish section of town
Cheese filled pierogie with cranberry
Cinnamon pretzel thingy
Statue of Copernicus at University
St. Mary's Basilica
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